Announcing Dingo Vinyl Music Festival 2015…maybe

We’re thinking about hosting a Dingo Vinyl music festival.  Imagine if you will an extremely well organized event where well heeled music aficionados glide past airport security at the airport.  A freshly pressed limo driver is holding a sign above his head with your last name on it.  He exudes a level of devotion and subservience you haven’t seen since Cusack held that boombox in Say Anything , and by the way, his penmanship is flawless.  He appears to have created his own font.  It conveys masculinity, insight and a perhaps even a hint of skepticism.

You are whisked past huddled masses, very attractive and influential huddled masses, to some kind of subterranean VIP check in area.  You are plied with thought provoking, handmade, artisan tchotchkes which you would have actually paid good money for are actually worth finding room for in your carry on, and one of those bar code necklace plastic things which secure your entrance into…. hey, isn’t that the guy from Rolling Stone?  No, not the owner guy.  The other guy.  The one with the glasses and the lumpy hair parted in the middle.  The guy whose personality runs the gamut from completely pretentious to not too much of a dick.

woodstockHow about a beer Mr. So and So?  The Trappist Monks really enjoyed the Botticelli’s record, so they sent over a keg of Pliny the Younger.

Our festival would be nothing like that.  It would go a little something like this.

You would fly (most likely on Southwest with a connecting flight through Phoenix) into Oakland.  You would either do some kind of mass transit thing, or time permitting, Brian or Mike would pick you up at the airport.

Over the course of a weekend, you would go to several very dirty bars – the kinds of establishments where one must roll up one’s pants before entering the restroom.  You would eat very good, but not very good for you food in neighborhoods best described as “in transition”.  Your appreciation for Jameson on the Rocks would flourish.  By weekend’s end, you would comfortably employ the local vernacular of Jameo Rocks.  You would see several very good, but not very good for you bands and you would have the kind of weekend you would have had in college, if your net worth had been north of about 500 dollars.

Shoot us a note or Tweet us or Uber us or however the kids communicate nowadays if this might be of interest to you.

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