The Release of DingoBox 000003

Welcome to DingoBox Volume 00003

Labor Day is now your cousin.  You have a generally favorable impression of him, but you can’t quite remember what you were doing when you saw him last.  There may have been a pony keg involved, and possibly some ribs.

It is now noticeably darker, quieter and maybe even a little bit lonelier when 7:45 rolls around than it was a few short weeks ago.

Dingo Logo by Artist in Residence Jay Eyits

Dingo Logo by Artist in Residence Jay Eyits

Your consumption of hot dogs has fallen off dramatically.  Will Smith, Tom Cruise and whoever else that stars in shitty movies that come out on the 4th of July must be in Cabo or Maui, because you haven’t seen any of those fuckers in months.  Coleslaw has apparently ceased to exist. You are back to school – if not literally, at least spiritually.  Things are more serious.  Baseball wins and losses matter at a specific level as opposed to mattering at a macro level, in the same way that a change to the unemployment rate is very different than your manager at Burger King calling you into his office for a conversation about how things just aren’t working out.

To that, I say ha! (in the words of the very underrated John C. Riley in Wreck it Ralph –  2012), and so should you.  You refuse to let the darkness define you.  You will make your own sunshine.  You will have it your way, and you will attend the school of your choice at your earliest convenience.

And now, with no further adieu or positive affirmation, the  Dingo Vinyl September selections.




Click the image below to read the complete reviews and listen to the September selections

Bridge Collapse "Wilderness" b/w  "Blockbreaker" Crime on the Moon Records

Bridge Collapse
“Wilderness” b/w
Crime on the Moon Records

12″ Selection

Joseph Airport Stronger and Better Rockathon Records 2014

Joseph Airport
Stronger and Better
Rockathon Records 2014


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